Nội dung file excute.bat$filter=$args[2]$IG_COM_DATE_FILE=Get-Date -Format "yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss"$IG_COM_LOG_FILE=$IG_COM_DATE_FILE+".log"$flag="FALSE"function check_copy{param([string]$source,[string]$des)if (Test-Path $des){$md5source=Get-FileHash($source)$md5des=Get-FileHash($des)if($md5des.Hash -eq $md5source.Hash){$flag="TRUE"Write-Host "`nThe file `"$source`" has been copied in `"$des`" successfully.`n" -ForegroundColor DarkGreenFUNC_LOG "`nThe file `"$source`" has been copied in `"$des`" successfully.`n"}else{Write-Host "`nThe file `"$source`" has been copied in `"$DestinationPath`" but the CRC check failed!`n" -ForegroundColor DarkRedFUNC_LOG "`nThe file `"$source`" has been copied in `"$DestinationPath`" but the CRC check failed!`n" "ERROR"}}else{Write-Host "`nThe file `"$source`" has not been copied in `"$des`"!`n" -ForegroundColor DarkRedFUNC_LOG "`nThe file `"$source`" has not been copied in `"$des`"!`n" "ERROR"}return $flag}function create-7zip([String] $aDirectory, [String] $aZipfile){[string]$pathToZipExe = "$Currentlocation\7za.exe";[Array]$arguments = "a", "-tzip", "$aZipfile", "$aDirectory", "-r";& $pathToZipExe $arguments;}function excute_copy{param([string]$source,[string]$des,[string]$filter)$filesx=Get-ChildItem $source -filter $filterFor ($i=0; $i -lt $filesx.Count; $i++){Copy-Item $filesx[$i].FullName $des$filedest=$des+$filesx[$i].Name$flag=check_copy $filesx[$i].FullName $filedestif($flag -eq "FALSE"){FUNC_LOG "Error when copy file. Please check again"break;}else{$filezip=$source+$IG_COM_DATE_FILE+".zip"echo $filezipcreate-7zip $filesx[$i].FullName $filezip}}deletefile $source $des $filter $flag}function deletefile{param([string]$source,[string]$des,[string]$filter,$flag)if($flag -eq "TRUE"){$filesx=Get-ChildItem $source -filter $filterFor ($i=0; $i -lt $filesx.Count; $i++){Remove-Item $filesx[$i].FullName}$filezip=$source+$IG_COM_DATE_FILE+".zip"Copy-Item $filezip $des$filezipdest=$des+$IG_COM_DATE_FILE+".zip"$flag=check_copy $filezip $filezipdestif($flag -eq "TRUE"){Remove-Item $filezip}else{FUNC_LOG "Error when copy file zip. Please check again"}}else{FUNC_LOG "System can't create zip file Because it dont completed copy files"}}function SCRIPT:FUNC_LOG($msg="",$type){$IL_DATETIME=Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"echo "${IL_DATETIME} ${type} ${msg}" >> ${IG_COM_LOG_FILE}Write-host "${IL_DATETIME} ${type} ${msg}"}IF($IL_ARGS_NUM -eq 3){if(Test-Path $source){if(Test-Path $des){excute_copy $source $des $filter}else{Write-Host "Please check directory destination"FUNC_LOG "Please check directory destination" "ERROR"}}else{Write-Host "Please check directory source"FUNC_LOG "Please check directory source" "ERROR"}}else{Write-Host "Please input argument"FUNC_LOG "Please input argument" "ERROR"}
powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File .\check_copy.ps1 D:\abc\ D:\x\ "ex1701*"Trong đó
- D:\abc là thư mục gốc muốn copy
- D:\x là thư mục nguôn
- ex1701: là thực hiện copy nhưng file có chuỗi ex1701 từ thư mục đích đến thư mục nguồn
Download thêm ứng dụng 7za.exe.
Bỏ 3 file ở trên vào cùng 1 thư mục và chạy file excute.bat ( chú ý file excute.bat sửa lại đối số truyền vào cho phù hợp)
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